I decided awhile back to start a blog to track my sewing over the year. I haven't been very successful at blogging. I read everyone elses blog and think I want to do the same, but I don't. I guess I feel I have nothing to comment on, but then I need to remember this blog was for my benefit, to track my sewing progress, so I need to just remember that and just write more often, especially after I have completed projects.

I also worked on another diaper bag for my daughter's best friends baby shower. I made her a boppy, blocks, shoes and a toy for the inside. It was so cute.

Since My last post I have been sewing. I actually made twenty small totes that I embroidery, with notebooks and cosmetic bags for my grandaaughter's birthday party. It was such a cute party. My daughter teaches cosmotology at a vo-tech and had the party in her room. They invited about 20 little girls and they each had a pamper day. They got hair, finger nails and toes done at the party. Their favor's was my totes. Each girl was present one when they left.
I also worked on another diaper bag for my daughter's best friends baby shower. I made her a boppy, blocks, shoes and a toy for the inside. It was so cute.
In between this I have been working on a quilt that I started about 5 years ago. I am determined to finish it someday.
Now I am making curtains for my daughter's kitchen. Nothing fancy, just simple country curtains.
I haven't made much progress on my fitting and clothing goals, that is still something I must work at yet.
Since my last blog, I have a new grandbaby, Mason who is just the cutest thing you ever saw now 3-1/2 months old. He has some small issues, but will be fine. May 7th will be his second surgery on his bowel. He will have two more surgeries that we know of before he is a year old....but he is doing great....love him so much.....
I did make him a cute little hate....but it was way to big.....